Hand crafted Baby Clothes | Blankets | Bonnets | Adult Bobble Hats
Crochet is a process of creating fabric from yarn or thread using a hook. The word is derived from the French word “crochet”, meaning hook. Crocheting, similar to knitting, consists of pulling loops of yarn through other loops. Crochet differs from knitting in that only one loop is active at one time and that a crochet hook is used instead of knitting needles. Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth.
Hand Knitted Baby Clothes and blankets plus much more – made to order.
I make all my crochet baby wear, blankets and hats by hand. Each item is available in various colours/sizes and therefore each item is made to order.
Please check each item for the estimated time for dispatch. Carriage will be included in the cost any item shipped.
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